Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, June 4, 2023


Welcome to our new post! In this article, we present some curiosities about the 10 countries with the smallest number of inhabitants. Get ready to learn amazing things about these countries and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

Number 10: Dominica

It has around 71,810 inhabitants. This island country is located in the Caribbean Sea and is not the same as the Dominican Republic. Despite having a small territory, Dominica had the Morne Trois Pitons National Park in 1997 named as a World Natural Heritage Site.

Number 9: Marshall Islands

About 58,790 people live in this country, which is located in Micronesia, a subregion located in Oceania. Its territory is 181 square kilometers and is made up of 5 individual islands. Almost half of the inhabitants live in the capital Majuro, about 25,000 people.

Number 8: Saint Kitts and Nevis

This country has 52,830 inhabitants. Its name is due to the fact that the country is formed by the set of two islands: Saint Kitts and Nevis. Despite its small population, this country receives about 1.2 million tourists a year.

Number 7: Monaco

It has around 38,960 inhabitants. This European principality is located near France. Its territory is only 1.21 square kilometers, which gives it the title of the most densely populated nation in the world. In Monaco there are 26,337 people per square kilometer. A curious fact about this country is that 32% of the population of Monaco is millionaire.

Number 6: Liechtenstein

This country is located between Switzerland and Austria. It has a land area of 99.78 square kilometers. Liechtenstein is the least visited country in Europe. It does not stand out in the GDP list for having a lower turnover, but if the economic strength per inhabitant is analyzed, this country ranks second in the world.

Number 5: San Marino

This country has about 33,860 inhabitants. The territory of San Marino is 61.2 square kilometers. Annually this country usually receives about 3 million tourists. In the list of the smallest countries in Europe, San Marino ranks third. A curious fact about this country is that it has a museum of curiosities, the Museo delle Curiosità, in which a series of peculiar items are exhibited, such as: a nose watch, the largest hair in the world, among others.

Number 4: Palau

The population of this country is about 18,010 inhabitants. Palau gained its independence as a country in 1990, making it the newest least populated country on the list.

This country is located near the Philippines and is made up of 250 islands. It has a very large land area when compared to the top 3, totaling 395.06 square kilometers.

Number 3: Nauru

12,580 citizens live in this country. This country is not only in the top 3 countries with the smallest population in the world, but it is also the smallest island country in the world, with only 12.9 square kilometers. A curious fact about this country is that it also had the highest GDP per capita in the world. This is due to the large amount of phosphate that was in Nauru, but after the over-exploitation of this material, the country ended up with one of the lowest GDP in the world.

Number 2: Tuvalu

This country has only 11,650 inhabitants. It is a small archipelago located in the Polynesian region. A curious fact about this country is that in addition to a small population, it also has a small portion of land area, about 26 square kilometers, and each year this area decreases as the sea rises.

And the least populated city in the first place is: the Vatican

Vatican City has a population of approximately 825 citizens. A curiosity about the Vatican is that it is completely surrounded by the city of Rome.


Many of these countries have a territorial limitation, being the territory area small or an island nation bounded by the sea. These smaller territories have less availability of natural resources, which also limits them economically. Even so, we can observe cases such as Monaco and Liechtenstein that have managed to have a very good economic strength.

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