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Sunday, May 28, 2023

The most expensive dog breeds in the world

Welcome to our new post! In this article, I will introduce you to some of the most expensive dog breeds in the world. Get ready to learn amazing things about these dogs and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

Number 15: Doberman

The average value of this dog starts at 700 dollars and can go up to 2,000 dollars. The origin of this dog is German and it is from 1850. Friederich Louis Dobermann was the one who created this breed with the aim of creating a dog for defense.

The hair of this dog is short and the colors can be black, brown, blue (light gray), black with red, white and light brown. The males measure about 70 cm and the females 65 cm. The doberman is able to weigh from 32 to 45 kg. This dog is very faithful. He is a very intelligent watchdog.

Number 14 Jack Russell

The price of this breed is from 800 to 1,500 dollars. This dog is from the United Kingdom and is usually very mischievous, active, curious, intelligent and affectionate. They measure from 25 to 30 cm and weigh around 5 kg.

They normally have short, hard hair, the color is usually white with black or reddish spots, although there are other types of hair as well. A curious fact about this breed is that it is often seen in the movies and in advertisements due to its high intelligence and obedience.

Number 13 English Bulldog

The price of this dog is from 800 to 2,000 dollars. A curiosity about this breed is that it is considered the national dog of England.

This breed has a wrinkled face, is very friendly and adorable. It is common for them to have respiratory problems. They are usually sedentary.

Number 12 Saint Bernard

This dog costs from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars. This breed is native to Switzerland and northern Italy. This breed was created in 1660 to be a rescue dog.

It needs care on the face, eyes and eyelids. He has to exercise, but not a lot because he may have a twisted stomach. The size of the Saint Bernard is usually 70 to 75 cm. The weight of this dog varies from 63 to 81 kg. Females tend to weigh less, normally reaching 63 kg.

Number 11: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

This breed costs from 1,000 to 2,500 dollars. This breed arose from the cross between German shepherds and Carpathian wolves. This dog has the pack mentality, trainability, and temperament of the German Shepherd. He also boasts the strength, stamina, and build of the Carpathian wolf.

Their physical appearance is very similar to that of wolves. They are very loyal, intelligent and active dogs that need to be constantly stimulated both physically and mentally.

Number 10: Afghan Hound

The price is from 1,500 to 2,000 dollars. This hunting breed is native to Afghanistan. The hair of this dog is long, silky and fine and therefore needs a lot of care so that it does not get tangled or lose its shine. These dogs are very agile and fast.

Number 9: Pomeranian

The price of this dog can vary from 600 to 3,000 dollars. This breed is very active, outgoing and can be temperamental. It is necessary to educate them very well from puppies so that they do not grow up very dominant.

Number 8: Akita inu

This breed usually costs from 1,000 to 3,500 dollars. It can reach up to 70 cm in size. This breed is a guard dog. They usually have a lot of patience with children. There are two types of Akita: the American and the Japanese, with the Japanese being the most valued.

Number 7: Chow Chow

This dog costs from 2,500 to 5,000 dollars. The physical appearance of this dog is reminiscent of a bear due to its thick and dense fur. They are very reserved and good watchdogs. This dog breed is very loyal and companion. Ideal for families. They have a blue tongue. A curious fact is that these dogs have 44 teeth, two more than most dogs breeds.

Number 6: Rottweiler

The price of this breed varies between 1,000 to 6,000 dollars. This breed is a very affectionate and protective dog that, although well educated, is not aggressive. They are usually used in the police and as a rescue or service dog.

Number 5: Pharaoh's Hound

This dog costs from 2,500 to 7,000 dollars. The Pharaoh Hound has a very elegant demeanor with short, shiny, smooth hair. This dog was created for hunting rabbits. A curious fact about this breed is that it does not originate from Ancient Egypt as many think, but that its origin is Maltese. It is part of the greyhound group. They need a lot of physical activity and are very sociable.

Number 4: Samoyed

This breed usually costs from 2,800 to 9,000 dollars. The origin of this breed is Russian. It is used as a companion or sled dog. Samoyed is a very active dog who loves to play with children. Even in old age it is common for them to remain very active. Its fur is long, dense and white.

Number 3: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

This dog can cost from 1,500 to 10,000 dollars. The breed originates from Great Britain. This dog is considered one of the friendliest and most loving dogs. They are very active dogs that need a lot of exercise.

Number 2: Löwchen

This dog costs from 7,000 to 10,000 dollars. The name lion dog is due to the fact that since their discovery in painting they were represented as a lion. The maximum size of this dog is 35 cm and the weight can reach up to 8 kg. This breed is usually tame, affectionate and playful.

Number 1: Tibetan Mastiff

The cost of this dog varies from 3,500 to 12,000 dollars. As their own name says, the origin of this dog is from Tibet. Tibetan Mastiff can weigh up to 90 kg. They are very affectionate, familiar and territorial dogs. This breed does not like children. It is recommended that you take walks in different places, so that the dog does not become territorial with the route of the walk.

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