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Sunday, July 16, 2023

Cat facts | The 7 most expensive cat breeds in the world | Exotic cat breeds

Welcome to our new post! In this article, I will introduce you to some of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. Get ready to learn amazing things about these cats and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.


In addition to being one of the most expensive breeds, it is also one of the largest breeds, measuring up to 1.2 meters. The weight of this cat usually varies from 6 kg to 10 kg. This breed arose from the cross between a wild African serval (Leptailurus serval) and a domestic cat.

The appearance and imposing size of this breed quite surprises people, even resembling a small cheetah. It has a very striking coat with patterns in the style of leopards, dense, short and soft.

Depending on the country, in order to have a Savannah cat at home, a license for wild animals is needed. However, it is important to find out before buying such an animal, since in some countries the possession of animals of wild lineage is forbidden.

The value as in dogs depends on the purity of the breed, being the direct descendants of the crossing of an African serval and a domestic cat, the most expensive. In other words, a direct descendant of the serval can cost from 15,000 to 20,000 dollars, while the fifth generation costs from 1,600 to 2,500 dollars.

The temperament also changes, a cat that is a direct descendant of a serval can present a more wild behavior, while the more this offspring is "diluted", they present a behavior closer to the domestic cat.

Due to its large size and playful temperament, it is not recommended to keep it in an apartment. They can jump up to 2.5 meters.


This breed of cat arose from the crossing of an Asian leopard cat with a domestic one. These cats are very active and need a lot of entertainment. It also has fur that resembles that of leopards. They tend to be noisy and meow to get attention.

Also being a hybrid cat breed, it will have a wilder temperament and will be more expensive depending on how closely related it is to the Asian Leopard Cat. This breed can cost around 1,300 dollars and 3,800 dollars. The coat also influences the price, the more defined the spots, the more expensive the cat will be.


This breed of cat is very rare, there are about 100 specimens worldwide. It arose in the 70s. The breed arose from the cross between a wild Geoffroy's cat and a domestic one. A curious fact about this feline is that it has inherited a couple of chromosomes from the Geoffroy's cat, therefore they have more chromosomes than common cats and have difficult upbringing. Also, most males are usually infertile.

This breed is very agile and active, which is why they need large spaces to run, they also love to climb. They are large, muscular cats. Its size can reach up to 35 cm and its weight is around 11 kg.


This feline arose from the cross between a caracal and a domestic cat. It is a very agile breed capable of jumping very high and with the incredible exotic beauty of the lynx. From the fifth generation it is considered a domestic cat.

The weight of this cat can vary from 10 to 14 kg. In length it can measure around 140 cm and in height 36 cm. They can jump up to 3 meters high. This breed is considered hypoallergenic. Like all the aforementioned hybrid cats, the temperament depends on the lineage of the cat. It tends to be more independent, lonely and intelligent.

This breed is still considered experimental and the value of a caracat directly descended from a lynx is usually between 15,000 and 20,000 dollars. There are very few specimens of this species and this is due to: the difficulty of crossing between the caracal and the domestic cat and the pain of childbirth in females due to the size of the puppies.


It is an agile and playful feline with short fur. Its body and legs are elongated. This breed likes to be in high places. They make a lot of noise and meow to communicate with their owners. A fun fact about this breed is that they love to swim. The price can vary between 1500 and 1800 dollars.

Maine Coon

This breed is the largest of all cat breeds. The largest Maine Coon was 1.2 meters long. It has a long coat and brindle patterns. They are very good at climbing and very intelligent. This cat's tail is the same length as its body. A curious fact about this breed is that its fur is waterproof. They love the water.

Cats of this breed have polydactyly, which allows them to move more easily through the snow. About 75 patterns and colors were observed in these cats. The full size of the Maine Coon is only noticeable at 3 to 5 years of age.

They are very playful and active cats. A curiosity is that cats of this breed tend to like the game of searching just like dogs. The first custom cloned pet was a Maine Coon in 2004 and cost its owner $50,000. The price of a Maine Coon puppy is usually between 1,000 and 1,600 dollars.


This breed of cats is very elegant and has a silky and long coat. They are playful, curious and noisy. It is a variation of the Siamese, which is why it retains the characteristic color of the Siamese, but with long hair.

A curiosity about this breed is that it is not known exactly how it arose, these long-haired cats were reported in litters of Siamese cats. It is thought that it may be a recessive gene activated by a cross with another breed or a mutation.

He needs to be combed at least once a week so that his hair does not get tangled. They love climbing trees, they also tend to climb on the shoulders of their owners.

Their size is from 20 to 28 cm and they usually weigh between 2 and 5 kg. This breed is very fond of its family, so it can suffer from depression if the owners are separated from them. The price of a Balinese cat is usually between 900 and 1100 dollars.


Depending on the country, some of these breeds do not require a permit for wild animals, so they could be a good option for those who prefer more exotic pets. Although many of these breeds are very expensive, they can be found cheaper with more distant lineages.

It is important to verify the origin of the animals before buying and adopting them to avoid supporting abuse and certify that your pet will be in good health. Your companion will be with you for a long time, so it is important to look at the characteristics of each breed to see which ones best suit your family and home. Consider adopting an animal before you buy.

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