Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Curiosities About The Oral Health


Welcome to our new post! In this article, we present some curiosities that you need to know about oral health. Get ready to learn amazing things about your mouth and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

Oral hygiene is not a new practice, the first toothbrush found in history is from Ancient Egypt. They used a plant branch with one end frayed, resembling the bristles we have today. Branch brushes similar to these ancient ones are also used by indigenous peoples.

Saliva has several functions in maintaining oral health. Helps clean and protect the mouth with its bactericidal properties, preventing bacteria from adhering to the dental surface. Antibodies present in saliva help prevent disease and reduce the risk of cavities. It is recommended to drink plenty of water to maintain the ideal flow of saliva.

After ingesting more acidic foods or due to the metabolites of the bacteria present in the oral microbiota, it is common for there to be a decalcification of the tooth. Saliva is capable of regularizing the ph and re-mineralizing the tooth.

Visiting the dentist regularly can prevent a heart attack. Some studies have stated that those who go to the dentist at least 1 time in 2 years are 24% less likely to have a heart attack. That's because the bacteria that cause oral infections can find their way into the bloodstream, in more advanced infections, and lodge in the heart, which can cause a number of diseases.

Did you know that the second most common disease in the world is an oral pathology? Only colds outnumber cases of cavities, although several current studies suggest that every year people are taking more care of their oral health and there are fewer cases. Another curiosity about cavities is that they can kill you if they are not treated. This is due to the fact that in the cavity of the caries there are various types of bacteria that are causing an infection in your mouth and if they enter your bloodstream they can lodge in other areas.

The enamel that lines the outermost portion of the crown of the tooth is the hardest and most fragile tissue in the body. Many will think: How is it possible for something to be hard and brittle? Sometimes we mistakenly consider hardness and assimilate it as a synonym for robustness, but the harder a material is, the less capacity it has to dissipate stresses. And something similar to porcelain happens to dental enamel that can break.

Dental plaque starts out sticky, but over time, if it is not removed, it will harden and become tartar that can only be removed by a dentist. All these bacteria together produce acid metabolites that damage the dental structure.

The oral microbiota is a very complex ecosystem that can contain up to 800 different types of bacteria. But if we have these bacteria in our mouth, why do we sometimes manifest disease and sometimes not? Diseases arise from an imbalance between the amount of bacteria present in your body and your immune system. If there are more bacteria than defense agents, the disease manifests itself. Just as it is important to keep your mouth clean, it is also important not to use products that constantly kill bacteria, because these will cause an imbalance that can lead to health problems. As an example, we can cite chlorhexidine, which is normally indicated for cases of periodontitis, but should not be used for more than 7 to 10 days, since, among other adverse effects, they can worsen the condition or cause unwanted pigmentation.

What is the proper way and the indicated frequency to brush your teeth?

Many still maintain the custom of making the circular movement, scientifically called the Fones technique, but this is indicated only for children because they do not have much motor coordination.

For adults, the most indicated technique is the modified Bass technique. In this technique, the brush is tilted at 45 degrees to clean the gums and two more movements are added: moving forwards and backwards and the one that starts near the gums and covers the entire area of the tooth in the direction of the tip. These movements must be carried out gently, since the gums are very delicate and not only bacteria cause their retraction, but also trauma. It is said that the act of brushing your teeth should last between 1 and a half to 2 minutes. It is recommended to brush your teeth after meals, but at least 3 times a day. Remembering that before brushing your teeth it is recommended to floss, as this will remove all the plaque and food remains in the area so that the brush and paste can access these sites.

Mouthwash is a complement to mechanical plaque control and helps maintain oral health. But did you know that mouthwash not only has chemical action? The act of rinsing also causes physical friction between the substance and the fabric, a fact that also aids in cleaning.

It is very important that you be consistent in your oral cleaning and execute it correctly, since one appointment a year at the dentist cannot keep you free of plaque throughout the year.

Many studies have failed to prove any relationship between mouth cancer and the use of mouthwashes with alcohol. The addition of alcohol works as a solvent for the active principles.

The commemorations when a child loses his teeth have become popular all over the world, but the way in which it is done varies, the Anglo-Saxon countries do not have the little rat Pérez, but rather a fairy.

Everyone's tongue is different and has unique aspects (bulge, thickness, edge, size, color, and length) just like fingerprints.

Anesthesia was first used in 1844.

Toothbrush change is recommended every 3 months.

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