Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Leonardo da Vinci: cryptography, inventions and curiosities

We have all heard of Leonardo da Vinci, the famous Renaissance painter who created works like the Mona Lisa, but did you know that Leonardo wrote backwards?

The painter's notes are mirrored. It is believed that the fact of writing from right to left served to avoid running the ink, despite the fact that he was left-handed. It is also thought that writing in such a way would confuse people who intended to steal his inventions. His notes also had various symbols that encrypted his discoveries.

In addition to being a painter, he also had great knowledge about anatomy, engineering, writing, architecture and mathematics. Da Vinci was not actually his last name, it refers to the place where he was born. In his works, his signature only puts Leonardo.

He loved animals, in some of his writings he questioned eating animals, so it is presumed that he was a vegetarian. There is even a story by the historian Giorgio Vasari, in which he relates that Leonardo bought birds to release them.

His passion for anatomy made great contributions to the way we portray organs, even though his drawings were very accurate. Although he has become famous thanks to his paintings, a curiosity is that he did not spend much time on it, there are only 17 of his works. However, his works had a great impact on various artists of different times. His artistic training began at the age of 15 in the studio of Andrea del Verrocchio who taught him the concepts of sculpture, painting, technical arts and engineering.

Being his inventor, some objects that did not exist until then were found in his drawings, such as: a helicopter, a parachute, an armored car and a hydraulic pump. He had very good musical abilities, both when it came to singing and playing instruments.

During the last years of his life he had a paralysis in his right hand, it is supposed to be due to a cerebrovascular accident, although there is not enough evidence to confirm it.

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