Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, December 8, 2024

Fun fatcs | 20 things that you didn't know about general culture

Welcome to our new post! In this article, I’ll share with you some interesting facts about general knowledge.

McDonald's is an extremely popular burger franchise worldwide, but have you ever wondered how many burgers they sell each year? Around 2.5 billion burgers, that's approximately 80 burgers per second!

Did you know that the first burger chain in the world is still active? It’s called White Castle and was founded in Kansas in 1921.

The spiciest pepper in the world is called Pepper X and it has 2,693,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), 493,000 SHU more than the Carolina Reaper.

The substance that makes us feel the burning sensation from peppers is capsaicin. Did you know that unlike humans, birds don’t feel the heat from this substance?

When talking about vitamin C, most people think of oranges, but guavas actually have more vitamin C.

Which has more protein, 100 grams of broccoli or a steak? The answer is broccoli. Even though this vegetable has more protein, plant-based proteins are incomplete and don’t contain all the essential amino acids needed for muscle growth. The iron in broccoli is also harder for the body to absorb.

The first organized sport in the world was athletics. Do you know what the first sport played on the moon was? The American astronaut Alan Shepard played golf on the moon in 1987.

There are only two countries in the world where you can’t enjoy Coca-Cola: Cuba and North Korea.

Did you know that the country with the most pyramids is Sudan and not Egypt?

In Croatia, there’s an island called Galesnjak that’s heart-shaped.

Liechtenstein is such a small country that it stretches 25 km from north to south and 4 km from east to west.

Juan Vucetich was the first person to use fingerprints to solve a criminal case.

Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is known as the lightning capital of the world. It got this name because 300 days a year the lake is illuminated by a lightning show. A rare exception to the saying “lightning never strikes the same place twice.”

Six million years ago, the bird Argentavis Magnificens lived in Argentina and had a wingspan of 6.5 to 8 meters. Can you imagine walking around and suddenly encountering an animal that size?

Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam are the world’s top coffee exporters.

Crocodiles can’t stick out their tongue because it’s attached to the roof of their mouth by a membrane.

Have you ever wondered what the word "Google" means? The word refers to a mathematical term “googol,” which means 10 to the power of 100. This gigantic number seems fitting to represent the vast amount of information the platform handles every day. In fact, over 2 trillion searches are made on Google every year.

Did you know that nutmeg can cause hallucinations? Consuming 50 grams of this spice can trigger symptoms of intoxication. In the Middle Ages, nutmeg was used as a drug.

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