Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, January 29, 2023


Welcome to our new post! In this article, we present you the 15 cutest animals in the world. Get ready to learn amazing things about these animals and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

Snow leopard (Panthera uncia)

This animal lives in mountainous areas of Central Asia and has white fur with gray and black specks. A curiosity about this species is that it is the only one of the genus that does not have the ability to roar. It is also capable of jumping a height greater than six times the length of its body, that is due to its hind legs.

Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli)

It is a nocturnal bird found in New Zealand. It usually feeds on: insects, worms, plants, invertebrates and fruits. It has very small wings that do not allow it to fly. The beak of this species is very elongated and flexible.

Angora rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

This species of rabbit has a fluffy appearance thanks to its long fur and in large quantity. Normally it is usually completely white, but you can also see some with reddish or gray areas.

Long-tailed chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera)

This animal is herbivorous and weighs around 450 grams. They can be found in Chile. It has very dense and soft fur, although the dorsal region of its tail is rough. It is usually a bluish-gray color. A striking feature are the large ears and head. A curiosity of this species is that when it feels threatened by a predator, it releases locks of its hair to distract it.

Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

The giant panda lives in China. It measures up to 165 cm long with the tail and can weigh 150 kg. This species is in danger of extinction. They usually feed on bamboo. Although they have a carnivorous digestive system, their body has adapted to a vegetarian diet. Even so, their digestive system is not capable of processing plant matter properly, which forces them to ingest huge amounts of food. They usually eat between 12 and 38 kg a day. They also hunt small rodents.

Arctic fox

This species inhabits the entire Arctic Circle. Their diet is divided between vegetarian and carnivorous. With the scarcity of winter they can kill reindeer. Curiously, the arctic foxes are not all white, they only present this color during the summer, in the winter the fur varies between brown and gray. Sometimes they can have a bluish hue. The young are born with dark brown fur.

Ili pika (Ochotona iliensis)

This animal inhabits mountainous areas of China. With the tail they have a length of 20 cm. It is a herbivorous mammal that measures 25 cm and has gray fur with brown spots. Rounded ears are a characteristic of this species. Unfortunately it is one of the most endangered animals in the world. It is believed that the gradual decline in the population of this animal is mainly due to climate change caused by global warming.

Pygmy owl

This species can be found in Mexico and the United States. It is one of the smallest species of owls in the world, measuring 13 to 15 cm. To protect itself from the heat of the sun, it usually hides in the holes of the cacti. Its diet is mainly based on insects, but it can also feed on scorpions.


The gestation period of the koala is only 35 days and this is because it is a marsupial. The end of the development of the calf occurs in the mother's bag and there they spend 6 months. After this period, they leave the bag and remain cuddled on the mother's back for a period that can vary from 6 months to 1 year.

Koalas also have fingerprints like gorillas, humans, and chimpanzees. But it is not only the fingerprints that are unique to this animal, but also the pigmentation pattern of the nose. This pigmentation is used to observe these animals in studies and the good news is that it allows our knowledge about them to advance without disturbing the animals.

The penguin

This animal only inhabits the southern hemisphere. Although these animals are currently found more in Antarctica, researchers believe that their origin is from Australia. This is thought because the ancestors of the penguins were found in this area. The largest penguin is the emperor with a size of 114.3 cm and the smallest is the blue penguin with 30.48 cm long. Their wings are not good for flying, they have evolved to swim.

The red panda

The red panda is not related to the giant panda, they just share the same name and diet. This species is in danger of extinction, the main reasons are: habitat loss, pet trade and poaching. It is a nocturnal animal. Their tail measures the same as their body and they often use it to cover themselves and lay their heads down. Their diet does not provide them with enough nutrients and energy, so they spend most of their time eating and sleeping.

Like giant pandas, red pandas have six fingers. This evolution occurred in the case of the red panda due to the need to climb trees and helps it manipulate bamboo. In the case of giant pandas, this evolution was given exclusively by the diet of bamboo.


It is the only mammal that lays eggs. Did you know that this animal also has poison? The platypus is the only mammal that has poison. Platypus venom is very painful, but it is not deadly to humans. Their hairs are waterproof. Another curious aspect of this animal is that the females do not have nipples, the young lick the milk from some ducts.


They can weigh up to 450 kg. They have good motion detection and can see well in the dark. Its field of vision can see up to 300 degrees. They cannot see orange or red well. But the most developed sense in this species is smell, 1000 times better than that of humans.


This animal is guided by smell, since its vision is not very good. It is a nocturnal animal. Some armadillo species only hunt ants and other species add other insects and larvae to their diet. The females always have 4 pups at the same time and all the pups are female or male, different sexes are not mixed in the same litter.


This animal is the tallest of all species, reaching a height of up to 5.8 meters and weighing between 750 and 1600 kg. The number of giraffes in the world has been gradually decreasing, it is thought that this is due to the loss of their habitat and poaching.

The gestation of a giraffe can last up to 15 months. When the young of this animal are born they have to fall a height of 1.5 meters. After this, they take half an hour to stand up and 10 hours after being born they are already able to accompany their parents in races. Giraffes can reach a speed of up to 56 km/h.

📚  Sources:,cuando%20se%20encuentra%20en%20reposo.,%2C%20hocico%2C%20hombros%20y%20extremidades.,en%20la%20provincia%20de%20Sinkiang.,usarse%20para%20descomponer%20sus%20alimentos.,los%20%C3%A1rboles%2C%20dependiendo%20del%20tiempo.,no%20es%20mortal%20en%20humanos.,lugares%20de%20descanso%20y%20refugiarse.

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