Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, January 22, 2023

TOP 60 Curiosities about the human body


In this post, we present you the 60 most interesting curiosities about the human body.

Get ready to learn amazing things about our body and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

The human body is composed mainly of water, approximately 60%.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, with a surface area of about 2 square meters.

The liver is the heaviest organ in the body, weighing approximately 500 grams.

The gluteus maximus is the strongest muscle in the human body. And the strongest in relation to its size is the masseter that is responsible for moving the jaw.

The eyes are the most sensitive organ in the human body and can detect movement in 30 milliseconds.

The human body produces a new layer of skin every month.

Human beings have more than 600 muscles.

The human body can survive without food for weeks, but can only survive without water for 3-5 days.

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A blood cell takes only 60 seconds to travel throughout your body.

Superficial veins appear bluish in color due to an optical effect produced by the skin.

The right lung is larger than the left due to the space occupied by the heart and it is housed in a structure called the lingula that is located at the base of the left lung.

The thumb measures the same as the nose of the same person.

It is impossible to breathe and swallow at the same time, this is because both the air and what is ingested passes through the epiglottis, which with its open and close movement decides whether what passes through it goes to the lungs or to the stomach.

It takes just 5 minutes for the kidneys to filter all the blood in your body.

The largest cells are the ovules.

Brain activity is equivalent to 15 watts.

The bones of the human body are stronger in proportion to weight than any other tissue in the body.

The human body has about 100 billion nerve cells.

The human body can make its own vitamin D when the skin is exposed to the sun.

Sperm are the smallest cells in the human body.

The navel is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the human body.

When a person blushes, their stomach lining does too.

The human body does not have the capacity to store or produce vitamin C.

The eyes can detect more than 10 million different colors.

Human DNA is 50% similar to that of a banana.

The number of cilia on the eyelids is different, on the upper part of the eyelids we have from 90 to 160 cilia, and on the lower part 80.

The human body is capable of regenerating some of its cells, such as the skin and liver.

Every day a man produces about 100 million sperm.

A computer with the same capabilities as the human brain could perform 38 trillion operations per second.

The human body has about 20,000 genes.

A healthy person can produce 1 to 2 liters of saliva per day.

We all know the five senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste, but did you know that in addition to these, human beings also have 15 more senses? These are: temperature, balance, time, pain, suffocation, thirst and satiety.

About 25% of the bones of an adult human are found in the feet.

Women blink more than men.

Human stomach acid is capable of corroding metal and piercing wood.

Nails grow faster in summer than in winter, this is due to high temperatures and sunlight.

On average, the human being breathes between 5 and 6 liters of air per minute.

If the amount of poop produced by a person throughout his life is added, the result would be around 4 tons.

Smell is closely related to memories and they are able to bring memories to mind almost instantly.

The tongue has 17 muscles, 4 are pairs of muscles and plus one.

In the body there are about 100,000 kilometers of veins.

Humans are capable of distinguishing up to 1 trillion different odors.

The heart beats about 115,000 times a day.

Did you know that depending on the color of a person's hair, they usually have more or less hair?

Redheads have the least hair with a total of 90,000 hairs, those with black hair have 105,000 and those with the most hair are blondes with an average amount of 140,000.

When a nail is lost, it can take up to 6 months for it to grow back completely.

A baby has more bones than an adult. At birth we have about 300 bones that fuse throughout our lives until we reach 206 bones.

The femur is the largest bone in the body.

The smallest bones in your body are found in the ear, the smallest of all being the stirrup.

Many babies, even though they are children of parents with dark eyes, are born with light eyes and these darken over time. This happens because as the eyes are exposed to sunlight they have a greater tendency to produce melanin.

When dying, 21 grams of weight are lost almost immediately due to the expulsion of gases and air from the lung.

The force of the human bite can reach 77 kilograms per square centimeter.

The human face has 43 muscles.

The position of a person's body reflects his memory and state of mind. A person with a drooping physiognomy is more prone to negative thoughts and a poor memory, while one who looks up has a better memory and a more positive way of thinking.

When we are children we have 20 milk teeth in our mouths and when we become adults we replace them with 32 teeth.

The digestive tract is the organ with the second largest number of neurons.

A person blinks 15 to 20 times per minute.

If you go 10 days without sleep, you could die.

The sense of smell is stronger in women than in men.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is the first place where the signs of aging appear.

Through breathing a person loses about half a liter of water a day.

Women and children breathe faster than men.

📚 Data source:,encuentra%20en%20el%20cuerpo%20humano.,facial%20en%20unos%2030%20milisegundos.,han%20hallado%202368%20especies%20bacterianas.,total%20de%20unos%201500%20euros.

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