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Monday, July 25, 2022

Understand how the brain works to learn easier

Did you know that depending on the stimulus certain areas of your brain develop more? Throughout the learning process, there is a change in the neural structures.

The cerebrum is responsible for motor and sensory functions, emotions, cognitions, sleep, and memories. And despite so many functions, its weight is usually only 0.8% to 2% of our body.

This organ has great plasticity. This means that depending on the stimuli it receives, it is capable of creating new neural connections, disconnecting connections that are not being used, and strengthening those that already exist.

Despite the plasticity of the brain, a new discipline called neuroeducation was created that unites the knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and neuroscience. Its goal is to refine the science of learning by studying how the brain works.

By performing so many functions, each one also has an influence on the functioning of the others, that is, if one of these areas does not go well, other functions are also compromised. For example: under positive emotional circumstances the learning process is easier. An emotion with great impact when learning is curiosity. Memory is also of the utmost importance when acquiring new knowledge, it is worth remembering that it is divided into long and short term. For short-term memories to solidify, they must be practiced so that the brain strengthens these connections.

Constant practices can get boring. Although boredom is an emotion with a negative influence on learning, it is ideal to combine the practice with other activities.

The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for visual and bodily perception, while the left is responsible for language and logical information. Although the left is responsible for language, did you know that in the first contacts with the tongue the two hemispheres are activated and work together? The right recognizes symbols, while the left recognizes sounds. Reading is also capable of activating sensory memory and other areas of the brain.

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