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Friday, July 29, 2022

TOP 10 most poisonous animals in the world


Australian box jelly (Chironex fleckeri)

    This animal produces incredibly powerful toxins that attack the nervous system, the heart, and even skin cells. The victims of this animal usually die quickly because the anaphylactic shock ends up drowning them or because they cannot get to the hospital on time.

Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum)

    This animal is native to Mexico and the USA. Although there have been no documented cases of deaths associated with this animal, its victims describe the pain as if hot lava were burning their bodies. The salivary glands produce the poisonous neurotoxin. A curious fact is that a hormone was found in the saliva of the Gila monster that according to scientists can be used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes.

Funnel web spider (Agelena labyrinthica)

    The venom of this spider is extremely toxic for both primates and humans, although for many other animal species it is completely harmless. In the latter case, the antibodies produced by these animals manage to neutralize the poison. It is estimated that a molecule present in the venom of Agelena labyrinthica could help in cases of heart attack by blocking the stimulation of cell death, which would prevent further damage to patients.

Cone snail (Conus magnus)

    This snail launches a harpoon filled with poison to immobilize its victims and eat them. Although they seem harmless animals, their poison can kill despite the fact that it triggers different negative effects in the body, such as: muscular paralysis, respiratory failure and loss of vision. One of the toxins present in the venom of this snail gave rise to a non-opioid pain reliever even more powerful than morphine, the Ziconotide.

Stonefish (Synanceia genus)

    Their appearance helps them to camouflage themselves on the rocks, which makes them easy to step on. Once you step on it, one of its needle-shaped dorsal spines penetrates your skin and injects the poison. This sting is very painful and can lead to death. However, it is usually consumed as food in some Asian countries after removing its spines.

Inland taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus)

    Originally from Australia, this snake has what is considered probably the most lethal venom of all snakes, although it is not among the most poisonous animals since it does not usually approach humans.

Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)

    As well as being one of the few mammalian animals that lay eggs, the platypus also has spurs on its ankles that release venom. The pain from the platypus kick is excruciating, although it is not fatal to humans. For dogs and small animals, platypus venom can be fatal.

Slow loris (Nycticebus)

    The only poisonous primate so far discovered. Its venom is activated by mixing a gland located in the upper part of the arm with its saliva. After licking the brachial gland, the activated venom can be rubbed into its fur or injected through a bite.

Shrew (Blarina brevicauda)

    The shrew's venom is applied to the victim through a tube in its incisors.

European mole (Talpa europaea)

    Whoever looks at this small mammal will believe that it is cute and may mistakenly take it for harmless. Their saliva is toxic and has the ability to paralyze their prey.

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