Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Cat facts

Welcome to our new post! In this articles, I will present some interesting facts about cats. Get ready to learn surprising things about these felines and impress your friends with these interesting facts.

These animals have incredible agility and flexibility; their jumps can reach up to 3 meters in height. Cats can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h.

They can sleep for up to 14 hours; in fact, it is estimated that cats spend 70% of the day sleeping. They are nocturnal animals. That's why their eyes are large compared to the size of their skull. A cat's eye has a greater capacity to capture light.

Even with their good night vision, cats need a minimum amount of light to see, about one-sixth of what humans need.

Have you ever wondered why cat’s eyes glow in the dark? Cat’s eyes have a membrane with reflective cells that turns their eyes into mirrors. This structure is located right behind the cat's retina.

And what is the purpose of their eyes reflecting light? This increases the sensitivity of the rods by 30% to 50% and allows more light to enter.

Did you know that cats have a third eyelid? This structure acts as a protection. It is very important to pay attention if this eyelid is visible in your cat, as it is only visible when there is an eye problem.

All cats are born with blue eyes, their color changes within twelve weeks to their final color.

Their ears can rotate up to 180 degrees, and they have 32 muscles to do so. They have a highly developed sensory system. Cat’s hearing is much better than that of humans; did you know they can hear up to five times more?

A cat's sense of smell is also very developed, with around 200 million olfactory cells. To give you an idea, humans have only 5 million.

Cats have created the meow to communicate with humans. They can emit up to 100 different sounds, while dogs only emit 10 types of sounds.

Cat’s whiskers are composed of stiff and long hairs. They transmit information to the cat through stimuli from nerve endings to measure narrow spaces and changes in the environment.

Did you know that in the town of Talkeetna, Alaska, there was a cat elected as the town mayor? The cat Stubbs served as mayor for 16 years and was elected because the citizens were not happy with any of the human candidates.

A curious fact is that the richest cat in the world had 7 million pounds.

Did you know that a cat went to space? The cat Félicette was the first cat to go to space; her journey took place on October 18, 1963.

95.6% of the genetic composition of domestic cats is similar to that of tigers.

Do you know which was the longest-lived cat in the world? Creme Puff reached 38 years of age!

Cats can also be trained to do tricks. The cat that performed the most tricks in one minute was Didga, who completed 24 tricks.

Cats can also be left-handed or right-handed, but unlike humans, the preference for one paw or the other in cats is associated with gender. Females are right-handed, and males are left-handed.

Did you know that humans and cats have identical emotional regions in the brain? A cat's brain is more similar to the human brain than that of dogs.

Cats are among the most popular pets in the world. In Latin America, more than 30% of households choose cats as pets. In Europe, there were 127.2 million pet cats in 2022.

Did you know that Siamese cats have the Himalayan gene that allows them to change color? This change occurs according to temperature. The cat is born completely white and starts developing its characteristic dark spots when these body parts cool down.

The Himalayan gene activates the production of melanin in the Siamese cat's body in the cooler extremities as they grow. The color change process is usually completed in one month of life. This gene not only affects the spots but also the blue eyes.

A curious fact is that because temperature influences the color of the Siamese cat's fur, if it undergoes surgery, the fur grows dark and then may lighten again.

Did you know that cat’s noses are like fingerprints? Each cat has its own unique pattern of ridges on its nose.

And how many cat breeds exist in the world? The number varies by country. The International Cat Association of the United States recognizes 73 breeds, the Fédération Internationale Féline in France recognizes 48, and the Encyclopædia Britannica in the United Kingdom recognizes only 15 breeds.

White fur is the only color that allows the cat to have all possible eye colors (yellow, blue, red, and green).

Cats sweat through the pads of their paws. Does your cat take a while to open its eyes while blinking near you? That's a good sign that your cat trusts you. Direct gazes can be a sign of alert or challenge.

Why do cats like to be in high places so much? This behavior is inherited from cat’s wild ancestors and is associated with hunting. They seek a high position to monitor potential prey and have control over the environment.

Have you ever wondered why your cat likes to rub itself on catnip? Nepetalactone is a compound in this plant that stimulates the cat's nervous system, making them act playfully.

Why are cats more independent than dogs? Unlike dogs, cats are solitary hunters.

They are animals from warm climates, so they usually do not tolerate cold well.

How is it possible for cats to have such good balance in the air to land on their feet? Their spine is very flexible, and they also have a highly developed vestibular system.

Myths and truths about cats

You have probably heard that all white cats with blue eyes are deaf, but is this true? The answer is no. The W gene associated with deafness is responsible for the coat color, not the eye color. White cats with blue eyes may be more predisposed to deafness, but not all such cats will be deaf.

Do all cats hate water? No, there are cats that enjoy swimming or playing with water.

Do cats bring bad luck? Obviously not. But do you know how this myth originated? In the Middle Ages, it was believed that witches assumed the form of cats to go unnoticed.

Do cats and dogs always get along badly? Although they have different natures, if they live together from a young age, they can become friends.

📚 Data source:,promedio%20pesa%20aproximadamente%209%20kilos.

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