Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, December 3, 2023

Curious facts about France

Welcome to our new post! In this article, we will present you some interesting facts about France. Get ready to discover some curiosities that you didn't know about this country and amaze your friends with these interesting facts.

When it comes to languages and France, many of us think of French, but did you know that many other languages are spoken in this country? Some of them include Catalan, Basque, Provençal, Occitan, Dutch, Breton, and more.

French is the fifth most spoken language in the world, with 274 million speakers.

France is one of the most popular tourist destinations globally and is often in the top 3 favorite travel destinations.

Football is the most practiced sport in France, followed by tennis and basketball.

The well-known motto "liberté, égalité, fraternité" emerged during the French Revolution and represented the fight against the abusive powers of the monarchy and the rights of citizens.

In 2016, France became the first country in the world to ban stores from wasting food. They must donate unsold meals to organizations or food banks.

Previously, the flag of this country was entirely white, and the flag we know today began to be used only with the French Revolution. White symbolizes the monarchy, while blue and red represent the city of Paris.

A curious fact is that in France, there is a law that allows you to marry a deceased person. It may sound strange at first, but it serves as comfort for those who have lost their partners. And what if they later find another partner? Legally, they have to divorce the deceased to remarry someone alive.

Did you know that the world's first film is French? In 1896, "The Cabbage Fairy," a film produced by the Lumière brothers, premiered at the Grand Café in Paris.

A curiosity is that in France, 1 kilogram of snails is consumed every 2 seconds. Approximately 424 million snails are consumed annually, totaling around 16000 tons!

In addition to snails, French cuisine also offers other peculiar dishes, such as frog legs.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most widely recognized symbols of Paris, but did you know it was once considered one of the tallest structures in the world? It is 300 meters tall and lost its position in 1930 to the Chrysler Building in New York. Its size can vary depending on the season due to the contraction and expansion of metal.

Did you know that a Napoleon saber was auctioned for 4.8 million dollars?

Approximately 78% of nuclear energy in France is produced by nuclear power plants, although they intend to reduce nuclear power plants over the years.

France has approximately 40,000 fortresses and castles.

This country is the fifth most populous in Europe, only behind Russia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

France is one of the countries with the highest number of McDonald's restaurants in the world.

📚 Data source:

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