Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Curious facts about the Sun

Welcome to our new post! In this article, I will present to you some fascinating facts about the Sun. Get ready to learn surprising things about this star and amaze your friends with these interesting facts.

What is a star? It's a bright, hot ball.

Although the Sun may seem enormous to us, did you know it is considered a yellow dwarf star? By exploring space, scientists have managed to find stars 100 times larger than our Sun, and there are also stars 10 times smaller. Nevertheless, it is so large that it would take 100 Earths to reach the size of the Sun.

The fact that it is a yellow dwarf star is part of the life cycle of stars. Our Sun is in this stage because it is 4.5 billion years old. Once it reaches 5 billion years, it will turn into a red giant star. And after several billion more years, it will become a small white star, with its size estimated to decrease to that of Earth, but its weight will be 20,000 times greater.

The solar cycle also has periods of higher and lower solar activity, but ultimately, stars tend to increase their brightness until they lose their mass and become a small white star.

This super-hot, circular star is responsible for maintaining our entire solar system as we know it, thanks to the gravity it exerts on the other bodies in our solar system.

Our Sun is so large that it contains 99% of the materials in our solar system; the rest of the planets, moons, and stars only make up 1% of the total.

The Sun is crucial for our planet, as it regulates the seasons, weather, ocean currents, and radiation belts. Our Sun is composed of the gasses helium and hydrogen.

An interesting fact is that there are billions of stars like our Sun throughout the Milky Way.

In many mythologies, the Sun plays a very important role. For the Egyptians, it's the god Ra, for the Norse, it's Sol, and for the Greeks, it's Apollo, among others.

Many of us admire the light of the stars at night, but did you know it's possible to see the light of a star during the day? The Sunlight.

The Sun is located approximately 149,669 kilometers from Earth. The Moon is 400 times closer to Earth than the Sun. The star closest to the Sun is Proxima Centauri, located at a distance of 4 light-years from our Sun in the Centaurus constellation.

It's important to remember that even though it's so far from Earth, its brightness is so intense that you should not look directly at the Sun without eye protection.

Do you know what's hotter than the surface of the Sun? The Sun's atmosphere. But the hottest part of all is the core, which reaches a temperature of approximately 15 million degrees Celsius.

The Sun not only emits heat to Earth but also other particles. Our electromagnetic and atmospheric fields protect our planet. When these particles are emitted in large quantities and interact with the gasses in the outer portion of our atmosphere, we can witness the phenomenon of the Northern Lights.

The speed of light is the fastest thing we know. Have you ever wondered how long it takes for light to be emitted by the Sun and reach Earth? It takes 8 minutes and 30 seconds.

When we look at photos of the Sun from NASA, we can observe dark areas called sunspots. These appear this way because they are cooler regions than the rest. Another common phenomenon in these images is solar flares. They occur when magnetic field lines near sunspots cross, reorganize, or tangle, causing a sudden burst of energy.

This intense activity on the solar surface is due to electrically charged gasses that generate areas with strong magnetic activity, triggering the events necessary for solar flares. Solar flares can also be accompanied by coronal mass ejections, which are radiation bubbles that explode into space at high speed.

You probably think of the typical conspiracy theorist from movies when you hear news like "there will be such a strong solar storm that it will interfere with our radio communication." But did you know that NASA claims that these solar storms can indeed emit enough radiation to interfere with our radio communication on Earth?

Contrary to what you might believe, solar systems usually don't have only one Sun. Stars are often accompanied, so most solar systems have more than 2 Suns. Having only one Sun is a peculiarity of our system. Our Sun is located in the Orion Spur of the Milky Way.

Earth orbits the Sun, but what does the Sun orbit? The Sun orbits the Milky Way, carrying our entire solar system with it at a speed of 720,000 kilometers. Do you know how many years it takes for the Sun to complete an orbit around the Milky Way? 230 million years.

📚 Data source:

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