Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Monday, May 8, 2023

Discoveries that have changed the world

Welcome to our new post! In this article, we present you some curiosities about some of the inventions that have changed humanity. Get ready to learn amazing things about these discoveries and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.


The discovery of fire 1.6 million years ago marked a before and after for humanity due to the number of applications that this element has, such as: heating up, defending itself and generating light. The possibility of cooking food decreased illnesses. The species that discovered fire was Homo Erectus.


The invention of the wheel in the year 3,500 BC increased mobility and facilitated transportation. In addition, it also had a great impact on the Industrial Revolution. This invention is originally from Mesopotamia.


Alessandro Volta is the inventor of the battery. This 1800s invention provided electrical power to various objects.


The plow was invented in Mesopotamia around 3,500 BC, it revolutionized work in the field and was essential for the evolution of agriculture. Plowing the field increases the porosity of the soil for plants to grow.


The invention of gunpowder dates back to the 10th century. Initially it was used for wars and later its applicability for mining was discovered.


Horace Wells is the American dentist who invented anesthesia in 1844. The substance used was nitrous oxide. This invention represented a great advance for medicine, exponentially improving the well-being of patients and allowing health professionals to work longer.


We know that Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb, but did you know that it was also invented in England by Joseph Swan? It was invented by Thomas Edison in the United States in 1879 and by Joseph Swan in England in 1880. The illumination allowed to extend the activity time.


Writing arose in Mesopotamia and Egypt, being represented by pictograms and images. This form of writing has several limitations, because the same symbol represents several things, so there is great difficulty in expressing detailed information and understanding problems. That is why the need to implement the language was seen until it reached writing as we know it today.


The inventor of the antibiotic was Alexander Fleming in 1928. The British doctor and scientist discovered penicillin, which was a revolution in all medicine. With penicillin, many diseases that had until this time been fatal ceased to be so.


Alan Turing in 1936 published an article that served as the basis for the development of algorithms. In this article, Turing stated that there are problems that can be solved with an algorithm (instructing the machine step by step to reach the solution) and problems that are not computable. Konrad Zuse is the German engineer who invented the first computer, the Z3 in 1941.


The world's first vaccine was the smallpox vaccine created by the English physician and scientist Edward Jenner in 1976. By then smallpox had become a pandemic and the invention of this vaccine helped save many lives.


The invention of the telephone provided communication over a distance. The inventor of the telephone is Alexander Graham Bell and the first telephone call in history was made on March 10, 1876.


The invention of the internet was a process that lasted several years and originated during the Cold War. It arose from the need for communication and secure storage of information in the event of an attack and for this information to be accessible from all over the country.

The first connection in history occurred in 1965 when a TX2 computer located in Massachusetts was connected to a Q-32 in California, this connection occurred by telephone line. This project was called the galactic network, it already had the objective of connecting computers from all over the world and was carried out by the United States Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA).

After the implementation of the TCP/IP protocol, computers from all over the world were allowed to interconnect. Since then the internet has spread all over the world. A curious fact is that in 1993 there were only 100 websites in the world, but in 1997 there were already more than 200,000 websites. In just 4 years it multiplied by 2,000!

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