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Friday, September 9, 2022

What is the origin of dragons?


    Have you ever wondered where the myths about dragons came from? These imposing animals can be seen in myths from Europe and Asia. The fact that a magical creature that never existed is present in myths from different cultures intrigues many people. If you are one of these people, in this article you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the origin of dragons.

The origin of the dragons

    One of the theories is that since there is a certain similarity between dragons and dinosaurs, dragons have arisen precisely from the encounter between ancient civilizations and the fossils of these animals. That is why they imagined that these animals could still exist somewhere in the world. It is also speculated that fossils of other animals may have contributed to these beliefs, such as: whales and komodo dragons.

    Some bones found in caves believed to be dragons were found in analysis to actually be bear bones. Analyzing the remains of the Klagenfurt dragon revealed that the skull actually came from a rhinoceros.

    Stories of the Loch Ness Monster may also have sprung from fossil whales and marine dinosaurs, such as the plesiosaur.

Differences Between the Western Dragon and the European Dragon

    Although these magical creatures are present in different parts of the world, their interpretation is different. In Western countries, dragons are represented as guardians and devouring beasts. In the myths of these regions, they are usually related to tests of honor for the heroes who in this case could access the object or knowledge that this creature kept, in addition to having to prove great cunning and strength to win the battle against a dragon.

    Already in Eastern cultures, they are represented as mythical creatures possessing great wisdom and power, related to the primitive power of the universe and nature. The differences are also reflected in their appearance, the eastern dragon is usually depicted without wings and cannot spit fire either, yet they retain their magical ability to fly. They have a mustache and their body is a mix of several animals, such as: bull (ears), snake (neck), horse (head), eagle (claws) and deer (horns).

    The habitat is also distinguished, Eastern dragons live in water, unlike Western culture that usually live in very high regions (volcanoes or mountains) and are more associated with the elements fire and air.

    But the most striking difference between Western and Eastern perceptions of the dragon is that they are often regarded as evil beings by Westerners, while to Easterners they are good and wise creatures. It is also important to remember that not everything is black and white, although this is usually the case in most of these countries, there are also cultures and traditions that see them differently.

Best known dragons

    Some of the best known western dragons are Jörmungandr, Nidhogg and Fáfnir. Dragons from Norse mythology associated with Ragnarök and curses. In Eastern mythology, we can see Ryujin, Orochi, Qing Long and Mizuchi.

    The image of dragons is still used as a symbol of power and wisdom. As an example of dragons we can currently mention the dragons of Daenerys (Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal) and Saphira of Eragon.

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