Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Friday, September 2, 2022



    Do you know what the largest tsunamis in the world were? In this article, you will discover some of the most devastating tsunamis observed throughout history.

    Tsunamis are described as a huge volume of water that moves vertically and can be caused by various reasons: volcano eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, among others. Among the most destructive tsunamis reported are:

Portugal (1755)

    About 60,000 people have died in Lisbon, Portugal due to a tsunami with waves of 6 to 20 meters. Although the seismograph was invented in 1842, it is estimated that this earthquake had an estimated magnitude of 9. The tremor of this earthquake was felt as far as Germany.

Indonesia (1883)

    It is estimated that 20 to 30 thousand people died when the Krakatoa volcano erupted causing a tsunami on the islands of Java and Sumatra. The waves were from 15 to 42 meters.

Japan (1896)

    An estimated 28,000 people died when a magnitude 8.5 earthquake hit Sanriku, Japan, causing a devastating tsunami with 2.5-meter waves that crossed the Pacific Ocean in less than 21 hours.

Italy (1908)

    It is estimated that between 70,000 and 100,000 people died when a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Messina, Italy for more than 20 seconds, causing a tsunami in the Strait of Messina with waves of 13 meters.

Chile (1960)

    Known as The Great Chile Earthquake, the magnitude 9.5 earthquake hit Chile and caused a tsunami. This caused the death of approximately 3,000 people totaling the losses from the earthquake and tsunami.

Indonesian (2004)

    An estimated 228 to 280 thousand people were killed when a magnitude 9.1 earthquake hit Sumatra, Indonesia and triggered a subsequent tsunami in 14 countries in South Asia and East Africa. Its waves reached 10-18 meters high.

📚  Data source:

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