Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Curious facts about dogs

Dogs always keep us company and are often considered man's best friend. Have you ever wondered how many years dogs have been domesticated? They’ve been accompanying us for more than 40,000 years. Although some experts believe that dog domestication happened over 100,000 years ago.

When we get home, our furry companions are already waiting for us on the other side of the door. How does the perception of time work for dogs? Dogs don’t perceive hours like humans do, but they have associative memory, meaning they can associate routine events with our actions, smells, or visual and verbal stimuli.

One indicator for dogs that their owner is about to return is the scent, which gradually fades over time until it’s no longer noticeable.

Is it true that dogs see in black and white? The answer is no. Dogs can interpret colors, but in a more limited spectrum than humans. We have three cones for the colors red, blue, and green, while dogs only have two cones to interpret blue and yellow. Dogs see the world in shades of yellow and blue. They have difficulty distinguishing green and red. However, they have more rods in their eyes than humans, allowing them to see in the dark. In fact, dogs' night vision is four to five times more powerful than that of humans.

Did you know that dogs don’t see television as continuous movement, but rather as a series of slides? Dogs need a higher number of frames per second to perceive TV as we do – at least 70 FPS.

Many of us have heard that dogs are born deaf and blind. But is this true? While it’s hard to believe that blindness and deafness can be “reversed,” it’s true. This happens because, at birth, these organs are not yet fully developed. When born, puppies can only rely on their sense of smell, and in about two weeks, their organs are fully developed, allowing them to see and hear.

Their sense of smell is incredibly strong, with about 300 million olfactory receptors. Although they have a better sense of smell and hearing, did you know that humans have about five times more taste buds than dogs? Did you know that dogs can understand up to 250 words? They can comprehend about the same amount as a two-year-old child. Dogs have hearing that is four times more powerful than that of humans. They can hear so well that even the sound of rain might bother them.

Where does the word "Collie" come from in Collie dogs? Collie comes from the Old Scottish word “col,” which means black. Collie dogs were named this because, as herding dogs, they cared for black-faced colley sheep.

The name Terrier, on the other hand, comes from the fact that they are small dogs that hunted pests in the ground.

Did you know there’s a breed of dog that doesn’t bark? The Basenji. It can’t bark because its larynx is positioned differently from other breeds.

Dogs have 42 teeth, 10 more than humans.

Have you ever wondered how many dog breeds there are? There are more than 340 breeds, and the number increases each year as new breeds are developed.

Dogs sweat through their paw pads. Just like cats, a dog’s nose is unique, which is why it’s considered their “fingerprint.”

Dogs' ears move very quickly and can perform several movements thanks to the 18 muscles they have in their ears.

Do you know which dog breed eats the most? You might be thinking of a broader breed, like a bulldog or pit bull, but the answer is the Labrador. They are very active and obsessed with food. In fact, this obsession is genetically proven due to a mutation in the POMPC gene, which hinders the production of a chemical that signals fullness.

And how old was the oldest dog in the world? The oldest known dog lived for 29 years and was an Australian Cattle Dog. His name was Bluey, and he holds the Guinness World Record as the longest-living dog.

Have you ever wondered which is the oldest known dog breed in the world? The Saluki was found in Egyptian tombs and is considered the oldest dog breed in the world. It is also known as the royal dog of Egypt or the Persian Greyhound.

It’s estimated that there are around 600 million dogs worldwide, with 400 million being stray dogs. That’s why it’s very important to consider adoption when getting a new companion.

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