Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Curious facts about fishes

Welcome to our new post! In this article, I will present you with some interesting facts about fish. Get ready to learn some curious facts and amaze your friends with this interesting information.

Fish have a memory span of up to 1 year. You've probably seen your fish resting quietly and wondered if they sleep with their eyes open. And the answer is yes, fish don't have eyelids, so they can't close them either to sleep or to rest.

They also don't have ears, but they have a bone called an otolith that allows them to hear. Did you know that sounds produced by humans stress fish? It also affects their growth, reproductive capacity, and feeding.

Do ultraviolet rays from the Sun affect fish? Yes, in fact, zebrafish produce a sunscreen called gadusol that protects them.

It is estimated that approximately 2% of fish are hermaphrodites. They can change sex throughout their lives if a dominant male is missing. There are also fish like the chalk bass that are simultaneous hermaphrodites and can change sex several times a day. The chalk bass can change sex up to 20 times a day. It produces both sperm and eggs simultaneously.

Did you already know about flying fish? Underwater, they can reach speeds of about 60 kilometers per hour and glide over the water surface at a height of about 1 meter.

Did you know that lungfish could be considered living fossils? This happens because their ancestors became extinct millions of years ago. Unlike our lungs, those of these fish do not serve to store air, but their main function is olfactory.

Have you ever wondered how the pufferfish manages to increase its size so much? Its stomach is very flexible and allows it to quickly ingest large amounts of water and air.

When I tell you about the ability of some animals to mimic their environment by changing their color, you probably think of the chameleon first, but did you know that the Gobius paganellus fish can change its color in less than 1 minute? A curious fact about this fish is that it has an easier time mimicking a red background than a blue one.

How is it possible that these animals change their color? It turns out that they have a cell called chromatophores arranged in layers. Each layer contains certain pigments that, depending on how they are dispersed within the cell, give the animal a specific color.

This ability to change color not only serves to mimic the environment but also to display and express its mood.

You've already seen videos of the friendly axolotls, but did you know that like salamanders, this animal also has regenerative capacity? In just a few weeks, it can fully regenerate limbs with nerves, muscles, and bones. It can even regenerate its spinal cord.

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