Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, December 17, 2023

4 Cases of real superheroes

Welcome to our new post! In this article, we present some fascinating facts about the 4 real cases of superhumans. Get ready to learn about these feats and amaze your friends with these interesting facts.

Stephen Wiltshire

This British artist possesses a super visual memory that allows him to remember vast amounts of information, such as entire cities. Stephen has autism and only began to speak after the age of 9; until that age, painting was his primary form of communication.

His memory is so incredible that with just 20 minutes of observation, he can reproduce an entire city in panoramic form. He managed to reproduce the Singapore bay with only 1 hour of helicopter observation and 5 days of drawing work.

The level of detail that the artist can reproduce in his works with such little observation time is an incredible skill that astonishes all who admire his work.

Wim Hof

Also known as the "Iceman" for his feats, he can control his immune, cardiovascular, hormonal, nervous, and muscular systems. When questioned about his abilities, he answers that anyone can do it with the right breathing frequency and determination.

This ability to have such great control over the physiology of his body earned him a Guinness World Record for spending two hours buried in ice and maintaining his body temperature stable throughout this time.

Perhaps with this challenge, you may already see him as a superhuman, but what if I tell you he has several more feats that prove he has complete control over his body and mind?

Wim has managed to cross a desert without drinking a single drop of water, submerged himself in the coldest depths of our planet, and, without shoes and in shorts, he was able to climb Mount Everest.

One of the most astonishing procedures he underwent was allowing doctors to inject a bacterial endotoxin to evaluate his ability to control his immune system. This endotoxin causes headaches, high fevers, and chills. However, Wim Hof only exhibited a reduction in his body temperature by consciously secreting adrenaline to master his immune system. Twelve of Wim Hof's students were also subjected to this experiment and achieved similar results.

Ma Xiangang

Ma discovered his incredible ability when his television turned off. Instead of receiving an electric shock while fiddling with the cables, he only felt a tingling sensation.

Scientists confirmed Ma Xiangang's resistance to electricity and concluded that his ability is due to the pH of his skin, in combination with his skin type, which allows him to withstand eight times more electrical charges than an average person.

Isao Machii

This 42-year-old samurai astonished the world with his exceptional sword skills. He is an expert in Iaido, a technique that aims to cut something at the same time as unsheathing the sword.

His movements are so rapid that he managed to split a baseball shot at a speed of 160 kilometers per hour in half. He achieved a Guinness World Record by taking only 36 minutes and 4 seconds to make 1,000 cuts with his katana.

In the video, Isao looks toward the source of the object, not its trajectory, which leads to the belief that this extreme precision in his movements is due to his brain's ability to calculate the future path of the object with extreme precision in milliseconds, coupled with his reflexes, allowing him to arrive at the right position at the right moment.

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