Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Sunday, August 27, 2023


Welcome to our new post! In this article, I will present you some curiosities about the 10 best countries to live in. Get ready to learn amazing things about these countries and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

What are the best countries to live in?

Number 10:
New Zealand

Although they are very dedicated and hard working, New Zealanders have a good work-life balance. In this country you can be close to national parks, bicycle routes or beaches. New Zealand also has free or low cost medical care depending on the care one needs.

It has a low unemployment rate. New Zealanders are welcoming people. New Zealand has some of the best universities in the world. This country also has a very beautiful landscape from beaches to volcanoes.

Number 9:

The citizens of this country love sports and usually have a long life expectancy. This country also stands out in education, security, and landscapes. In addition, it also welcomes immigrants very well. In fact, from its beginnings, Australia was considered a nation of immigrants and for this reason, you can find a great wealth of languages.

Number 8:
The Netherlands

This country is very well-ranked in terms of public health, political stability and education. The Netherlands has 32,000 kilometers of cycle paths. It has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. The Netherlands also has a low crime rate. The country has a very high cost of living.

Number 7:

The country has a very strong economy, being one of the most powerful economic powers in the world. Germany has very good health and education systems. It is a country extremely rich in culture, history and art. Germany also has low crime rates.

Number 6:

This country stands out for its security and good educational system, in fact, education in Finland is considered one of the world leaders in education. It is a destination highly sought after by families. In addition, it also stands out in the quality of life, freedom of the press, and civil rights.

Number 5:

This country excels in public education, stable politics, and security. It is one of the largest oil exporters in the world. Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world. It has a low index of inequality. Norwegians love to enjoy outdoor activities and this country has some very beautiful landscapes.

Number 4:

Like Norway, Switzerland also has very good security, stable politics, and public education. It also has a low unemployment rate. It is one of the safest countries in the world. Switzerland also has very beautiful landscapes.

Number 3:

It is one of the safest countries in the world. Canada is the world's third-largest oil exporter and the world's third-largest oil reserve. This country repudiates gender discrimination. Women and men have equal rights in law, the military and business.

Number 2:

This country has income equality, good public education, stable politics, health care systems, and good security. Denmark has free healthcare. It also has a very low unemployment rate.

Number 1:

This country excels in public education, health, politics, security, and economic stability. Public transport is very punctual. The unemployment rate is low. The water and air in Sweden are very pure. This country has very beautiful landscapes.


The quality of life index takes very important parameters for a person's quality of life, such as: security, education, social factors, economy, politics, unemployment rate and environmental factors. The choice of the best country to live in varies from person to person and should also take into account your adaptation to the place.

📚 Data source:,ambiente%20natural%20seguro%20y%20limpio.,y%20satisfacci%C3%B3n%20ante%20la%20vida.,-Imagen%20tomada%20bajo&text=Factores%20econ%C3%B3micos%3A%20el%20ingreso%20del,de%20recreaci%C3%B3n%20y%20tiempo%20libre.

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