Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Curiosities about Tourette Syndrome


Welcome to our new post! In this article, we present some curiosities about Tourette syndrome. We will address the following aspects: what is it?, cause, symptoms, treatment, cure and famous people who have this syndrome. Get ready to learn amazing things about people with this syndrome and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.

This syndrome affects the nervous system causing "tics". These "tics" can occur in the form of repeated sounds, movements or spasms and that the person suffering from this syndrome cannot control. Sometimes people manage to contain these urges for a while, but in the end they have to do them.

Tourette's symptoms

The most common manifestation of Tourette syndrome is tics that usually start in childhood between 5 and 10 years of age. At first, the most common tics are motor tics that involve the head and neck.

In situations of stress or great emotion, the symptoms tend to worsen. When the person is concentrated or calm, the symptoms usually improve.

Symptoms may improve during adolescence and even disappear in adulthood, but many people still have symptoms in adulthood and some even get worse.

Types of Tourette's tics

Tics are classified as motor, vocal, simple or complex. Some examples of motor tics are blinking, waving an arm, or shrugging. Sound tics can be anything from hum or throat clearing to say words or phrases.

Among the sound tics there is coprolalia, which is a compulsion to say obscenities or vulgar words involuntarily. Not everyone who has this syndrome is affected by coprolalia.

Simple tics use only a few parts of the body, such as sniffing sounds and squinting. Already complex tics involve various parts of the body and these movements can be made in a pattern. An example of a complex tic would be shaking your head while shaking your arm and then jumping.

How is Tourette syndrome diagnosed?

Just because you have tics doesn't mean you have Tourette syndrome. The professional will assess whether the patient presents at least 1 vocal tic and 2 motor tics and if these have been present for at least 1 year.

How to treat Tourette syndrome?

There are treatments to help patients control their tics, but there is no cure for this syndrome. In cases, in which the patient is affected in their daily tasks or these tics cause injuries or pain, it can be treated with behavioral treatments or medicines.

There is no medicine that is capable of eliminating all tics for all people. The doctor will look for the medicine and dose that best suit your case and that generate the fewest side effects.

There are two behavior therapy treatments: habit reversal and global behavior intervention. Habit reversal consists of learning a different behavior that does not allow the occurrence of the tic. For example: if the tic is touching the nose, a behavior would be crossing the arms or placing the hands on the legs.

The global behavioral intervention technique already uses this habit reversal, but also adds relaxation techniques and education about tics to the treatment. It is important to understand tics to know how and where they tend to occur. And in this way, think of counterconditioning and ways so that the tic is not so visible.

What is the cause of Tourette syndrome?

An exact cause for this syndrome could not yet be determined, but it is believed to be a genetic condition.

Curious facts

It is common for Tourette syndrome to be accompanied by other disorders, such as OCD or ADHD. And the existence of another associated disorder influences the form of treatment.

This syndrome is 3 to 5 times more common in boys than in girls.

Many people with this syndrome have achieved great successes and it is thought that this is due to the fact that when they are focused on a task, the symptoms are reduced.

Public people who have this syndrome

Billie Eilish

The singer was diagnosed at age 11.

Lele Pons

The Venezuelan singer discovered the syndrome at age 11 and said she also has OCD.

Lewis Capaldi

The Scottish artist stated that he discovered the syndrome due to some tics in his shoulder and that he is trying behavioral treatments and botox.

Dan Aykroyd

The actor said that he was diagnosed at the age of 12 and that with treatment the frequency of tics has been decreasing.

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