Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Monday, March 27, 2023

Curious Facts You Didn't Know About The 8 Real Ghost Towns


Welcome to our new post! In this article, I'll introduce you to some fun facts about real ghost towns all over the world. Get ready to learn amazing things about these abandoned places and surprise your friends with these interesting facts.


This town is located in the United States. During the gold rush of the 19th century, several inhabitants of this town became rich due to the large amount of this metal that was available.

It is estimated that the monthly gold mining has raised about $400,000. In 20 years its population multiplied by 500. In 1962 the area became a State Historic Park and is maintained in its current state.


This Indian city has been abandoned for more than 400 years. There is a legend about this site that a guru has cursed the city so that no shadow was cast over the city, although Maharaja Bahgwant Das promised not to do so, he reneged on the promise and built a building.

It is thought that the city was the target of some natural disaster caused by the curse, but there is also the theory that after its conquest in 1720 the city gradually became depopulated until it was completely abandoned.

There are several legends about this city and it is considered one of the most haunted in India. One of the most famous legends of Bhangarh is that every night the spirits of the people who died there return and those who dare to visit it at night never return.


This famous Ukrainian city became very popular, because it was built with the intention of sheltering the workers of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The city was evacuated 24 hours after the reactor explosion. Many report that visiting it is as if the city had frozen in time with the disaster.

If you are interested in knowing more about the incident in Chernobyl, we have a detailed video about the explosion of the reactor and this city. I leave the link in the card above to the right.


This town is located in Spain near Zaragoza and was attacked by Republican troops during the Civil War. It was taken by the Francoist side in 1937. Its ruins tell of one of the most difficult battles of the Spanish Civil War. The town was left in ruins and today it has become a tourist spot that can be visited with guided tours.

During the visits several people claim to have witnessed paranormal phenomena such as being controlled by some entity, feeling sudden changes in temperature, hearing military songs, screams, bombs and planes.

Carlos Bogdanich did an investigation in 1986 with the team of the television program “Cuarta Dimensión” and affirmed that they were guided by something that led them to the highest part of the Clock Tower. The team said that when they realized what they had done they could not believe it, because it could have cost them their lives. In the recordings they claim to hear a series of battle sounds


The inhabitants of this Roman town were calcined with the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano. It is estimated that this natural disaster happened almost 2,000 years ago and is responsible for the conservation of its ruins and the disappearance of its population.


The ruins of this mining town are located in the Atacama desert. In this area, nitrate was extracted, which at the time was called “white gold”, since it was in great demand by industrialized countries.

These countries needed saltpeter in large quantities to fertilize their meals, once their population grew larger every day. It was abandoned in 1960.


At the height of its prosperity during the Middle Ages, this town had up to 2,500 inhabitants. Craco was abandoned in 1922. A curiosity about this location is that the movie 007: Quantum of Solace or The Passion of the Christ was shot in this town.

Despite the fact that this tragedy happened suddenly, it contributed to the understanding of how social, economic and cultural aspects worked in Ancient Rome.


This town that is located in the Colorado had great activity of silver and gold mining. Several businesses were created in the area, but the fact that the railway did not reach St. Elmo anymore ended up reducing mining and depopulating the area. The activity of this town lasted 72 years, being founded in 1880 and abandoned in 1952.

As we can see in this video, many of these cities were once a successful community, but little by little the overexploitation of resources led to scarcity, this being the main cause of abandoned cities in the world.

In these places it is normal for urban legends to arise due to the degradation of the buildings and the poor appearance of conservation. The almost absolute silence of these places gives rise to the imagination and also many of these cities are very old, in times when science could not explain things, so legends arose to try to clarify these doubts.

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