Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Curiosities about the monarchy



   The word monarchy comes from mónos (only one) and arkho (to rule). This form of government has existed for many centuries and was previously very common. It was the form of government of several ancient civilizations such as that of ancient Egypt and the Romans. Although there are currently many countries that have adopted the republic as their form of government, there are still many countries that have monarchs. This article will address different aspects and curiosities about this form of government.

Monarchy types

   There are several types of monarchy and these are differentiated according to the presence of other political organizations and the degree of power that the monarch has. They can also be classified by the way the monarch received the charge from him.

   The types of monarchy are: absolute (power belongs entirely to the monarch and this is not shared with any political organization), constitutional (the monarch is the head of state, however his power is limited by the constitution), parliamentary (in this type of monarchy the decisions of the monarch must be approved by parliament before being implemented) and the hybrid (represents a mixture between the parliamentary and constitutional, in which the monarch shares part of his power with political organizations, but retains his political influence). Before the most used type of monarchy was the absolute and now the most common is the parliamentary.

   In addition to the hereditary monarchy that passes power from generation to generation, there is also the elective monarchy. In this last type, the monarchs are chosen by an electoral college, obtaining the position for life or for a determined period.

Characteristics of a monarchy

   The monarch: exercises power alone, governs throughout his life or until he resigns from office and receives this position by hereditary or election. In the beginnings of the monarchy, the monarch, in addition to being the ruler of the country, was also considered a god, as was the case with the pharaohs in Egypt. Already in the 16th century when the monarchy arrived in the Jewish territory, the monarchs were not considered as gods because they are monotheists.

Countries with monarchy

   Until the 18th century, the monarchy was the most common form of government in Europe. The monarch countries in 2022 in Europe are: Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Luxembourg, Spain and Sweden. In Europe, the only countries where the monarch is active in politics and government are Monaco, Vatican City, and Liechtenstein.

   In Asia we can also observe several countries that adopt this monarchy regime, among them are: Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Brunei, Bhutan, Japan, Cambodia, Malaysia, Jordan, Kuwait, Thailand and Oman. In Africa there are three countries with monarchy, which the monarch enjoys political power: Morocco, Swaziland and Lesotho. Already in Oceania there are three countries, these are: Kingdom of Tonga, Australia and New Zealand.

   A curiosity is that in Andorra the form of government is the parliamentary co-principality, in this regime there are two co-princes: Emmanuel Macron and Joan-Enric Vives Sicília, each one has appointed a personal representative.

Did you know that some monarchies are recognized
only as cultural heritage?

   This is the case of Bolivia, India, the Philippines and South Africa. The Bolivian monarchy is the only hereditary monarchy of African origin in South America. The monarchy of the sultans of the Philippines is only recognized on the island of Mindanao, that is, they have no political influence, although some members of the monarchy currently work in politics. These have not obtained the position by their titles, if not by normal process like other politicians.

   The English monarchy rules 16 countries: United Kingdom, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Jamaica, Grenada, Canada, Belize, Barbados, Bahamas, Australia and Old and bearded.

   The republican system is currently the most frequent, being that there are 44 countries that have monarchs in their State and 146 countries that are republican.

📚 Data source:,del%20Estado%20es%20el%20monarca.

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