Curiosities, general knowledge and news


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Who was Marie Curie?


            Marie Sklodowska-Curie was the famous scientist who discovered radioactivity. Marie quantified the rays emitted by alloys and metals. In 1898, accompanied by their partner Pierre, they announced the discovery of two new radioactive elements: radium and polonium.

After the discoveries were published, several scientists around the world became interested in the topic of radioactivity. Marie found that polonium decayed at high speeds.

Thanks to her contributions to chemistry, Marie received two Nobel Prizes. Due to its healing properties, radium was used in hospitals shortly after its discovery, although over the years its use evolved into radiation therapy as we know it today.

She founded the radio institute. After her death, Irène (Marie's daughter) took over the management of the institute. This institute merged with the Fondation Cure in 1970 and is currently called the Curie Institute. Irène Joliot-Curie, along with her husband Frédéric Joliot-Curie, was responsible for the discovery of artificial radioactivity, which earned them the Nobel Prize in 1935.

During the First World War, Marie took various X-rays of soldiers. She died in 1934 due to long exposure to radioactive radiation. The brilliant scientist spoke French, English, German, Polish and Russian.

A very curious fact is that the notes made during her experiments are in the basement of the French National Library in Paris, but are locked up because of the large amount of radiation they contain. Based on the half-life of radium-226, it would take an estimated 1,600 years for them to cease to pose a threat.

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